
The wild at heart trophy guide
The wild at heart trophy guide

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The good news is that moneymaking gets easier as you progress in the game, and the bad news is you’re still going to be here a while.Īfter Route A, you unlock the ability to race in time trials, which earns you £750 once a day. If you’re only starting out, you’re probably wondering how the hell you’re going to make 10k, let alone 500k. 3) Bringin’ Home the Baconįrom the easiest Shrine Mission to one of the worst. You’ll almost surely get this achievement casually.

the wild at heart trophy guide the wild at heart trophy guide

Getting 50,000 Emokes is fairly easy, especially when you consider that photographing certain plot events and areas can get you 20,000+ each. This is actually the easiest Shrine Mission, as the global achievement stats will reveal. There are also a good number of spots around town if you want to get there even quicker. Just top those up once a day and you’ll hit 300 in no time. I’d advise doing a daily trip along the Snowy Mountains once you’ve unlocked it as part of Route B, as there is a good number of marking spots up there. This mission wants you to just mark as many spots as possible – notably, marking the same spots when they decay (either slightly or completely) count towards this achievement, unlike Horatio’s side quests which need you to mark a number of unique spots (up to 100). For the next few ingame weeks, buried items may appear there. You unlock marking as you progress through the story.Īs a dog, you’ll occasionally see spots that you can piss on to mark as your territory. Don’t ask me why they’re ordered like this, I’m as lost as you are 1) MarKING! Shrine Missions are listed in the order that they’re given in the ingame Quest Completion List.

The wild at heart trophy guide Patch#

I’m not listing the amount of money each Mission gives you, partly because I didn’t keep track of most of it, and also because they changed the amounts they’re worth in Patch 1.5 anyway lol You get a decent amount of money for doing these, and it’s arguably the best money maker you have until you unlock Time Trials after Route A (when money stops being important).

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If you’re not here for 100% Achievements, feel free to use this section as a way to plan out what Shrines you want to seek out for their missions, since you can’t get rid of a bad Shrine Mission if you accidentally accepted it. I wouldn’t advise doing this until you’ve done most of the Shrine Missions, though, as it basically just means you’re losing a second slot until you grind out the requirement. Notably, you can actually have multiple difficulties of the same Shrine Mission at one time – if you have the Medium version, then come back a week later, you can claim the Hard version and add it to your list as well. The “Master” Shrine Missions are what give you achievements. Each Shrine gives a specific mission, and you’ll obtain them in order of difficulty – Easy, then Medium, then Hard, then Expert, then Master. Luckily for you, the Shrine Missions are fixed.

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Additionally, after obtaining a mission from a shrine, you cannot get another one from the same shrine until a full ingame week has passed. You can have up to 5 shrine missions at one time – you’ll need to complete one before getting another one if you’re at the limit. You’ll be given a specific mission from that shrine, which will be displayed on your quest list. Shrine Missions are obtained by selecting the “Oracle” option when interacting with a Shrine. Shrine Missionsģ1 of the game’s 42 achievements are attached to Shrine Missions. While the ending is mostly fluff, I will say that you get ingame rewards for being greedy, and no rewards for being selfless, so let that dictate your choice if you want the most bang for your buck. This doesn’t effect any achievements, and you don’t need to go back and see the other route for any bonus content. Note that you’re given a “choice” at the ending. Gained access to the Kingswood in Route C. Gained access to the northern mountains in Route B. Rode a sheep for the first time in Route A. You do Routes A, B, and C in any order, they’re all canon to the plot, and then you continue with the last part of the story once you’ve done them all. The wording here is curious, since you might think this means there’s multiple endings with branching paths, but it’s actually just a nonlinear main quest. Halfway through the story, the game splits into “Routes”. Saw a villager turn into a cat or dog for the first time. Try not to worry about when you get the achievements, just enjoy the ride along the way! Early Game I won’t give any further details on the individual achievements for the sake of spoilers. 8 of the game’s 42 Achievements are part of the critical path of the game, so you’ll collect them automatically as you partake in the story.

The wild at heart trophy guide